Hey there, here are some top news and latest news updates for you around the world.
In last few hours, thousands of incidents happened around the world. We peek some news around the world for you.
"Taliban killed 13 policemen in Southern Helmand province in Afghanistan". But it's not their official declaration.
"5 North Korean officials have been executed" - according to CNN.
Do you want to travel to the moon? "SpaceX decided to fly with their 2 private members."
I don't know is "Old is Gold" or not. But Nokia has launched their new Nokia 3310, a nostalgic one. It might be their new strategy to come back in the field of competition.
Can you imagine how much hours people spend their time for YouTube streaming? Maybe you spend 30 minutes, huh? Even it's essential for. But all the people on planet Earth are not same. This is why people spend One Billion hours in total.